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QuakeC programming introduction

This is WORK IN PROGESS by GreEn`mArine

Give me some time until this is finished


TODO: Explain purpose and summary of this page.

Build system

TODO: Explain general purpose of buildsystem, where to get it, create a file mirror somewhere.


TODO: Create a down-sized build.bat that only builds FTEQCC and DP engine including SDL version.


TODO: Someone else has to do the linux part!

Accessing SVN

TODO: Introduce Eclipse+Subclipse Plugin. Alternative: TortoiseSVN (what about Linux?)

Playing with the code

TODO: Introduction to CodeBLocks, explain the features of it. Explain known bugs.

Getting to know QuakeC

TODO: Link to the article in this wiki. Some explanations.
TODO2: Explain how to access built-in functions.

Working with SVN

TODO: Explain the common tasks that come with the usage of SVN and the fact that you likely changed (a lot of) code:
- Updating SVN by using Team Synchronisation feature of Subclipse to prevent conflicts when updating
- Creating patches to backup your work, keeping your work modular.

dev/programming_introduction.1231677213.txt.gz · Last modified: 2009/01/11 13:33 by green_marine
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