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Nexuiz Cheats

Note: You can only enable cheats on your own server (or if you have the server password) and you need to be alive for the cheats to take effect:
Open the console (shift + esc or `) and type the following:

  • sv_cheats 1 ................... Enables cheat mode. Apply this before loading a map.
  • restart ....................... Restarts server. Needed for cheats if a map is already loaded.

Cheat list

Once sv_cheats is active, you may type these commands into the console.

  • god ........................... God mode. You don't die. (except if you give yourself negative health with the GIVE cheat)
  • fly............................ Flying mode.
  • noclip ........................ Flying through walls.
  • give (...) .................... Gives you items (guns, ammo, health). Example: give r 999, gives you 999 rockets. See the give cheat cheat sheet below
  • impulse 99 .................... Gives all weapons + 999 ammo + 999 health.
  • impulse 13 .................... Produces a moving clone of your own. (“getting stuck” bug in 2.2.3)
  • impulse 14 .................... Produces a static clone exactly where you are. (“getting stuck” bug in 2.2.3)
  • impulse 77 .................... Return the flag you are carrying and teleport to the position you put a g_waypointsprite_personal (to abort a CTF speedrun; not in a release yet)

In the 2.4.2 SVN development version (the Over The Lazy Dog servers run it, even though cheats are disabled) clones are made using impulses 140 instead of 13 and 142 instead of 14.

Give cheat cheat sheet

Code Item
r Rockets
c Cells
n Nails (Machine Gun)
s Shells (Shotgun)
h Health

Not really cheats

  • r_showtris 1 .................. Shows polygons. Makes invisible people visible.
  • r_showcollisionbrushes 1 ...... Shows clip brushes. Useful for finding map leaks or hidden areas.
tech/cheats.txt · Last modified: 2008/11/11 02:09 by amoebios
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