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Nexuiz Clan and Community List

A clan is a group of players who have the same tag (sometimes color scheme and playermodel) and play matches, scrimmages together and with other clans. They often have matches with other clans too.

For players looking for a clan or clans looking for members. Please look at this page to find out details about clans/players looking around.

Note: If your clan needs a forum, or hosting, you can contact -z- of Nexuiz Ninjaz . He can help you. REMOVED of the New Pollution can also help, if a group is in dire need of a webhost.


Here is a list of all groups, clans and communities relating Nexuiz. Feel free to tell me about any clan that's not on the list or add it yourself. Please read the syntax rules before adding your clan to this list!
You can design your clan page how you like. All fields are optional and you can delete them or add other fields. (Don't worry if the formatting breaks.)

Create a new clan page:

(For a complete list of clans, see Complete Clan:page List)

Active clans

Note that the clans are mostly region-specific because most of these concentrate on gameplay, and it is hard to have lagless matches between continents! Of course, there are more community-centered clans with people from all over the world too :-)


  • [+] ........................ lunetist
  • [ACE] ...................... Ace (Recruiting)
  • [ACE] minsta ............... [ACE] minsta:(Recruiting)
  • *A* ........................ Assassin
  • !BAF! ...................... BAF
  • [Dave] ..................... Dave (Recruiting)
  • [esk] ...................... eatseakittens (Invite only)
  • [eXe] ...................... eXecut0rs
  • [G] ........................ The guardians (Recruiting)
  • [IoN] ...................... IoN
  • [Method] ................... Method (Recruiting)
  • [MiT] ...................... Men in Tux (Recruiting)
  • [o] ........................ optimal (Recruiting)
  • [prae] ..................... prae (Recruiting)
  • [ReV] ...................... Revolution
  • (SMB) ...................... SMBClan
  • [y] ........................ y (Invite only)
  • [Cclash].................... Catacalysmic Clash [Recruiting]
  • [IDW]....................... idwclan [Recruiting]




  • |C| ........................ chaos (Recruiting)
  • [CON] ...................... Conquerors
  • fake ....................... fake (Invite only)

Inactive clans



Unknown Status

Note: Please report any info you have on these clans' current status to any experienced user listed here: OUNS Users

No page?
  • {AC} ....................... ac (Recruiting mappers)
  • <CM> ....................... cm (Recruiting)
  • [c$UN] ..................... csun (Recruiting)
  • [MM] ....................... MM (Recruiting)
No news?
  • [785] ...................... 785
  • [GSE] ...................... gse
  • [HK] ....................... hk
  • [NDC] ...................... ndc
  • [Random] ................... random
  • [SCB] ...................... scb
  • [SL] ....................... sl
  • [S] ........................ stroggs
  • _TDMx2_..................... tdmx2
  • %ZeN% ...................... zen


Active Communities

Defunct Communities

clan/start.txt · Last modified: 2011/03/08 11:55 by
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