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set g_nexball 0   // Initiate the cvar for gamecode.

// Don't blame me if your stuff doesn't work :P
set cvar_check_default bypass
set cvar_check_weapons bypass

set g_nexball_goallimit -1 "goal limit (-1: trust the mapper)"

set g_nexball_basketball_effects_default     8    "default: dim light. The original version used 1024 (fire) but it gives bad performance"
set g_balance_nexball_primary_speed       1000    "launching speed"
set g_balance_nexball_primary_refire         0.7  "launching refire"
set g_balance_nexball_secondary_animtime     0.3  "launching animtime"
set g_balance_nexball_secondary_speed     3000    "stealing projectile speed"
set g_balance_nexball_secondary_lifetime     0.15 "stealing projectile lifetime"
set g_balance_nexball_secondary_force      500    "stealing projectile force"
set g_balance_nexball_secondary_refire       0.6  "stealing projectile refire"
set g_balance_nexball_secondary_animtime     0.3  "stealing projectile animtime"
// primary and secondary refire and animtime are used as well

// -1: My first try, not very playable but working...
//     The ball gets the player's velocity * 1.5 + a vertical boost
//  0: Revenant style
//     Player's velocity + a boost where he's looking at + a boost 
//     perpendicularly to the first boost, that is upwards relatively
//     to the view angle
//  1: MrBougo's modded Rev style 1
//     The 2nd Rev boost is always vertical
//  2: MrBougo's modded Rev style 2
//     The 1st Rev boost is always horizontal
//     The 2nd Rev boost is always vertical
set g_nexball_football_physics  2  "0: Revenant's original movement, 1: 0 but half independant of aiming height, 2: 1 fully independant, -1: first recode try"

set g_nexball_football_boost_forward      100   "forward velocity boost when the ball is touched"
set g_nexball_football_boost_up           200   "up velocity boost when the ball is touched"

set g_nexball_basketball_delay_hold           20    "time before a player who caught the ball loses it (anti-ballcamp)"
set g_nexball_basketball_delay_hold_forteam   60    "time before a ball reset when a team holds the ball for too long"
set g_nexball_basketball_teamsteal             1    "1 to allow players to steal from teammates"

set g_nexball_basketball_carrier_speed         0.9  "speed multiplier for the ballcarrier"

set g_nexball_meter_period                  1    "time to make a full cycle on the power meter"
set g_nexball_basketball_meter              1    "use the power meter for basketball"
set g_nexball_basketball_meter_minpower   0.5    "minimal multiplier to the launching speed when using the power meter"
set g_nexball_basketball_meter_maxpower   1.2    "maximal multiplier to the launching speed when using the power meter"

set g_nexball_delay_goal     2    "delay between a goal and a ball reset"
set g_nexball_delay_idle     10   "maximal idle time before a reset"
set g_nexball_delay_start    3    "time the ball stands on its spawn before being playable"
set g_nexball_delay_collect  0.5  "time before the same player can catch the ball he launched"

set g_nexball_sound_bounce   1    "bouncing sound (0: off)"

set g_nexball_basketball_trail  1  "1 to leave a trail"
set g_nexball_football_trail    0  "1 to leave a trail"
set g_nexball_trail_color     254  "1-256 for different colors (Quake palette, 254 is white)"
user/mrbougo/nexball/cfg.1239262475.txt.gz · Last modified: 2009/04/09 09:34 by mrbougo
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