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This is an old revision of the document!


b1r6:Apr 1, 2009
  • NEW Entity: ball_fault, goal that causes own-goals only
  • NEW Entity: ball_bound, same as fault but no point is given, the ball is just returned
  • NEW The 4 goal-like entities accept a new spawnflag, GOAL_TOUCHPLAYER, that makes ball carrier drop the ball when it touches the trigger
  • NEW Power bar for throwing in basketball! :D
  • FIX Multiple basket balls are supported
  • FIX Shadow from the basketball when carried was ugly
  • FIX Stuff in the scoring
  • FIX Logs weren't complete
  • FIX Wrong entities.def description
b1r5: Feb 21, 2009
  • FIX No need to fix that warp thing anymore, div's DP commit disabled interpolation on entities that get their attachment tag changed
    I'm glad it's gone, that code was a real pain to see in that file...
  • FIX Warn and remove if more than one basket ball is found.
b1r4: <not released publicly>
  • FIX Make the use of the mortar less intrusive
  • FIX Default weapon behaviour: nothing but the mortar, unless enforced (but setting g_start_weapon_mortar 0 doesnt affect nexball)
  • FIX Hardcoded paths should have sane names...
  • FIX Content pack: updated the sound names, and texture path as well
  • FIX Cvar names that make more sense
  • NEW Cvar: speed multiplier for ball carrier (to make him slower, not faster :p)
b1r3: Feb 04, 2009
  • --- Adapt the code that resets the ball on ready-restart to recent SVN change.
  • --- Use a fresher SVN codebase (5743) which notably includes mand1nga's demo chasecam.
  • FIX Scoring was possible after the game ended.
  • FIX The ball dropped during the countdown after F4 ready.
  • NEW Cvar: ball trails for both modes (customizable color too)
b1r2: Jan 16, 2009
  • FIX Invisible ball bug
  • FIX Crash when client disconnects before scoring
  • FIX Team code I forgot to tweak
  • NEW Cvar: Basketball: ball reset when team/player camps it for a given time
  • NEW Cvar: Basketball: Disallow stealing from teammates
b1r1: Jan 16, 2009
  • NEW First public release! Changelog starts here.
user/mrbougo/nexball/changelog.1238613058.txt.gz · Last modified: 2009/04/01 21:10 by mrbougo
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