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The story

It all started here. Revenant made that awesome mod and everyone loved it so much. It featured a ball. And two goals. What else do you expect, really?
It had two control modes: soccer-like and basketball-like. In basketball mode, you could steal the ballcarrier's ball with the modified Mortar secondary fire, and throw the ball with the primary.


Then, not fun.

What happened inbetween? Well, Rev lost the source. Everybody cried a little, without admitting it. That meant it would always be like 2.3. And then 2.4 came, and NexBall was dead. Rev wasn't motivated enough to code the same thing twice. I hope you understand.

Then I learned QuakeC by trial and error and divVerent. Done a couple of things: teach and pbmod. Then I woke up one day, and I thought “Damn Nexball was awesome, how come I never thought about recoding it ?”. Actually, someone (I forgot who) had suggested that before, but I knew it wouldn't work with my beginner skills. Then I got a bit more familiar with QC, mostly because of clonespawn in the pbmod which was quite some piece of code (compared to the other little modifications I did, that is), and there I go. NexBall!

How do you play that?

Well, you put the ball in the goal. The right one please. Not your team's. Or they'll dislike you. A lot. And so will your family. And you'll get booed too. Do you imagine that? Booed.
That's pretty much all of it, eh.

Where do I download it?

Coming soon I promise ;-)

user/mrbougo/nexball/history.1231365634.txt.gz · Last modified: 2009/01/07 23:00 by mrbougo
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