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Table of Contents

How to install

You will need the most recent engine to avoid glitches! Windows users can compile it using this build system (read the doc!)
For Linux users, see the Alientrap forums for a howto.
The unstable builds found on the DarkPlaces website may work, but they're too old to include a recent change that fixed ugliness in the mod.


All you'll need is the core files: the mod's pk3, the content pk3, and a few maps.
Include all these in your data directory, start Nexuiz, and run these commands in your Nexuiz console:

exec nexball.cfg
g_nexball 1

Then use the chmap command to change to the map you want to test, for example

chmap rink_nexball

On a server

I'll assume you know how to run a server.
You'll need the Nexball core files: the mod pk3 and the content pk3. Get some maps too eh. Put all these files in your server's data directory.
Then you need to tell your server that the content pack should be downloaded by cliens. To do so, add nexball-content_b1r5.txt 1) to your sv_curl_serverpackages cvar. The different files in the cvar must be separated by spaces.

Then you need to setup your curl urls. divVerent's map repository2) contains the mappack's maps. The Nexuiz Ninjaz map repository3) should have some more maps too

Better read the Readme before starting your server. When you are ready, launch it, and execute these commands:

exec nexball.cfg
sv_cmd gametype nexball

For the Nexball cvars, see nexball.cfg.

Feel free to contact me on IRC, #nexuiz on Quakenet, or by mail on

1) update the b1r5 to match the compat pack's version, if I forget to update this page
user/mrbougo/nexball/howtoinst.1239263576.txt.gz · Last modified: 2009/04/09 09:52 by mrbougo
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