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Onslaught is a team game, where the goal of both teams is to destroy the enemy generator after controlling all the necessary control points connected to it.


At the beginning of the game the generators are shielded off from being damaged. To lower the shield of the opposing team's generator, your team needs control over at least one of the control points connected to it. Once this control has been established, the shield of the generator is lowered and it will take damage when shot. By default, the generator will start with 10000 health. Every time damage is dealt to it there will be a notification of how much health it has remaining. A generator's health does not regenerate. A team wins when it is has damaged the generator of the other team enough to bring it down to 0 health.

Control Points

The control points are what connects both generators to each other. The way they are connected can vary from very simple (in the case of Ons_micro for example where the blue generator is connected to the red generator by a single control point) or far more complex (like in Ons_reborn where there are six control points linked up to each other in triangular and rectangular format). Your team needs to occupy at least one of the control points connected to the enemy's generator to lower its shield, before it can be attacked and destroyed. When a control point occupied by your team is only connected to neutral control points, or control points also occupied by your team, it is given a shield so that it is safe from damage by the other team. However, when there is at least one control point connected to it that is neutral or occupied by the opposing team, the shield is lowered and the control point can be damaged and taken over by the other team.

How to occupy a neutral control point

All the control points are neutral when the game starts. All that is necessary for a team to occupy a control point then is to touch its pad. Please note that you have to keep a connection established to your own generator, it is not possible at the start of the game to immediately run towards the control point nearest to the other teams generator, occupy it and destroy the generator. Those control points are still shielded from you. Nexuiz 2.5 will introduce the team radar, in the team radar the control points that you are able to occupy already (the ones without a shield) are light grey, the ones that are still unavailable (the ones with a shield) are dark grey.

How to take over an enemy control point

When an enemy control point is unshielded you can take it over by applying enough damage to the cube above the pad. Once the cube has completely disappeared, you can touch the pad and the control point is yours. Now make sure one part of your team defends this control point from the enemy and another part of the team goes on to fight for the next control point (or goes on to destroy the generator if it there are no more control points separating your team from it). Nexuiz 2.5 will introduce the team radar, in the team radar the enemy control points that you are able to occupy already (the ones without a shield) are light red or blue, the ones that are still unavailable (the ones with a shield) are dark red or blue.

Game Tactics

  • It is very important in this game mode to work in groups that defend the weak points of its own team and attack the weak points of the other team. Weak points are unshielded generator and control points.
  • The recently introduced radar image is very helpful to keep an eye on these weak points and the map as a whole. It shows a lot of information about the generators and control points, which team owns which, which ones are shielded or unshielded and the connections between them. The team radar will be included from Nexuiz 2.5 but you can already try it with SVN or with a 2.4.2 client on certain servers that support it (for example Over The Lazy Dog, GreEn's and the Nexuiz Ninjaz CTF servers.

External Links

game/ons.txt · Last modified: 2009/01/03 13:14 by pinkrobot
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