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With the jetpack (enabled by g_jetpack, or placed on the map as a powerup by the mapmaker), all players are given an invisible jetpack. This equipment, used for mobility, like the hook, cannot coexist with the hook. It uses fuel, which can be replenished by waiting or by picking up fuel. A full table of commands is below. Many players claim that the jetpack is a bad idea, because it was not playtested on anyone before it was added to the final release. Most servers do not have jetpack enabled, and the ones who do are considered “noob servers”. The jetpack significantly changes the game's mobility, and it makes jetpackers easy targets for potential snipers, as they move slowly. A skilled player with a rocket launcher could easily take down a jetpacker, particularly since all rockets are “curvy” in 2.5.2. The jetpack is currently the only item in the game to use fuel, hence the inclusion of fuel variables below.
A player lifting off with a jetpack on eggandbacon.

cvar Default What it controls
g_jetpack 0 Turns on/off jetpack.
g_jetpack_acceleration_side 1200 X and Y coordinate acceleration of the jetpack.
g_jetpack_acceleration_up 600 Z coordinate acceleration of the jetpack.
g_jetpack_antigravity 0.8 How much the jetpack compensates for gravity.
g_jetpack_attenuation 2 Jetpack sound attenuation.
g_jetpack_fuel 8 Amount of fuel used per second.
g_jetpack_maxspeed_side 1500 Highest possible X and Y coordinate speed.
g_jetpack_maxspeed_up 600 Highest possible Z coordinate speed.
g_balance_fuel_limit 999 Highest possible amount of fuel that a player can have.
g_balance_fuel_regen .1 Rate of fuel regeneration.
g_balance_fuel_regenlinear 0 Determines if fuel regenerates linearly.
g_balance_fuel_regenstable 50 Amount of fuel at which fuel stops regenerating.
g_balance_fuel_rot 0.05 Rate of fuel loss.
g_balance_fuel_rotlinear 0 Determines if fuel rots linearly.
g_balance_fuel_rotstable 100 Amount of fuel at which fuel stops rotting.
item/jetpack.txt · Last modified: 2009/11/26 00:58 by plasmasheep
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