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Uses of .cfg files

Basically, a cfg file is read line by line, and each line is feeded to the console as a command. There are multiple uses for this.

Configuration Files

Config files are simple text files containing preference settings and commands for Nexuiz.
There are two main configuration files:

  • config.cfg is the main configuration file. It contains the settings you set from inside the game, so it is better not to edit this by hand (though that works)
  • autoexec.cfg does not exist at first, but you can create it in your root data folder. It is executed every time Nexuiz starts. If you want to edit configs by hand, unless you know what you are doing, editing autoexec.cfg is the best way.

The other configuration files contain default settings. Some specific options are stored in an individual file (like weapons.cfg) and are executed from default.cfg.

There is also one very important cfg, quake.rc which is the very first executed file when you launch Nexuiz. Like the default cfgs, it is stored in the data pk3 archive.


Scripts are often made in a text editor, to be executed any time with the exec command.

Make your own

All you need is a text editor. Just type one command per line, save the file in your data folder, and run it with the exec command. For example, if my cfg is called “foo.cfg”, all I get to do is open the console, and type “exec foo.cfg”.
You can also edit autoexec.cfg to add “exec foo.cfg” to it. This will launch your script every time Nexuiz starts.

Optional CFG Folders

Users can put their custom cfgs in a separate folder, to keep the root folder clean, as the exec command can read .cfgs in subdirectories.

tech/cfg.txt · Last modified: 2008/10/30 17:20 by mrbougo
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