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Per-weapon crosshairs

explain normal crosshairs first: they can be either one of the 20 crosshairs from the menu, or there are 15(!) additional crosshairs available, the weapon-specific crosshairs

show a list of all these crosshair names and how they can be set (explain that the names are slightly different than the weapon names, illustrate this with the adv. Settings menu and * search *, and that the user just enters crosshair<tab> and then scrolls through the list to see the slightly different names of the weapons, e.g. “grenadelauncher” or “uzi”. Then set the default crosshair to one of the weapon specific crosshairs

Enable the per-weapon crosshair checkbox in the menu and cycle through the weapons, explain that now the weapon-specific crosshairs are shown.

Explain how to configure these crosshairs now, using the tab-completion. Show an example where I want the nexgun to have the normal dot from the menu-crosshairs, and the rocketlauncher to have the grenadelauncher crosshair

explain how to undo setting the crosshair by setting a weapon-CH to an empty string

go over to explain the per weapon colored crosshair setting

tech/indepth/perwpncrosshairs.txt · Last modified: 2009/05/10 01:05 by green_marine
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