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From the README file in the package:

Nexball Beta 2
 Original idea by Revenant
 Re-coded by Mr. Bougo

Very appreciated around November 2007, Nexball was a mod by Revenant.
After losing his sources, he abandoned the project, making it impossible
to update the code for Nexuiz 2.4.

I decided to re-code it in January 2009, and here it is. I hope you
enjoy it as much as I do. And don't forget to thank Revenant when you
see him!

Don't forget to exec nexball.cfg before anything, or you won't be able
to run nexball maps. Then run this command:
sv_cmd gametype nexball
to change the gametype to nexball.

Warning: the progs.dat and csprogs.dat contained in this archive will
override the 2.5 ones. To use the original progs, change the archive's
extension to pk3_ to make the engine ignore it.

Special thanks:

 Revenant: he deserves any compliment related to this game mode.

 divVerent, for teaching me most of what I know in QC, and for being
  such an awesome developer.

 FruitieX and PinkRobot for making a great set of maps.

 Cortez, who also made a map for Revenant's version of Nexball.

 C. Brutail, Morphed, and PinkRobot for providing sounds (even though
  they are temporary :p), a model, textures, and a fancy icon.

 The PB clan and its friends, for spotting bugs before the release. (man
  these tests were hilarious)
user/mrbougo/nexball/readme.txt · Last modified: 2009/04/09 09:34 by mrbougo
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