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OUNS: Nexuiz Clan List


This clan is inactive. Some players left and created Shell. The leader left Nexuiz

Quick Info

Leader: alpha
Tag: [iO]
Website: this page
IRC: #io.nexuiz
About: European CTF/trickjump clan. Currently inactive.



  1. Must have decent 1v1 and ctf skills (shoot well, run fast, stay alive) - determined by test.
  2. Must have a nice, informative player page here at OUNS
  3. Must not have negative reputation
  4. Must promise to abide by clan rules
  5. Must listen to leader on important occasions
  6. Must use clan tag and color scheme (you will be given one)
  7. Must be online at least a few times a week for practice and/or official games
  8. I (janson) have to like you ;)


  1. No shit-talking ingame at official matches.
  2. No disappearing for >2 weeks without warning.
  3. Must respect other clan members regardless of age/nationality/religion etc.
  4. Discipline is the key.
  5. Absolutely no fakenicking. If you get caught with a fake nick in a game with other clan member, you're automatically out.


clan/insideout.txt · Last modified: 2010/02/27 17:57 by
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