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The Strength powerup grants players higher damage and push. It is manifested in a rotating, translucent blue “Strength” character in Japanese. A common misconception is calling it a “quad”, which comes from quake games. That is misleading, because strength damage is by default 3x, not 4x. However, strength push is 4x by default.

Command Default What it controls
g_balance_powerup_strength_damage 3 Damage multiplier.
g_balance_powerup_strength_force 4 Push multiplier.
g_balance_powerup_strength_selfdamage 1.5 Self damage multiplier.
g_balance_powerup_strength_selfforce 1.5 Self force multiplier.
g_balance_powerup_strength_time 30 Time strength lasts. Can be extended by picking up more strength powerups.

The unspawned strength on eggandbacon. Notice its lightness and translucence.The spawned strength on eggandbacon. Notice that the color is fuller and more vibrant, yet still retains some transparency.

item/strength.txt · Last modified: 2009/11/25 23:27 by plasmasheep
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