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Find your friends playing Nexuiz

Unexperienced players are starting Nexuiz and open the built-in server browser to find servers. But this doesn't allow them to find players easily (even though Nexuiz' server browser allows to search for player names, but you need to start Nexuiz each time, and some people also don't like the incremental/random updating method of it).

The solution: tell about the different serverlist websites and about the available tools.

FIXME This list is still incomplete, please help to improve it!

Available serverlists

Requirement: html, all servers, must also show individual player names!

The trick is that the player can use the normal built-in search functionality of his browser to find friends

Available tools

Optional: allow to search for player names. Apart from that such tools are good to scan only for a few selected servers (e.g. your favourites or servers that aren't even on the list, such as ladder servers)

  • Morfars mIRC Nexuiz browser [TODO provide DL link please]
  • FIXME There was this Java tool from some guy that also allowed to look for playernames, it was uploaded on sourceforge somewhere [TODO provide SF link please]
  • Are there any other tools you can think of? Add them please!
tech/indepth/findfriends.txt · Last modified: 2009/06/21 20:39 by green_marine
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