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Episode 1: Introduction

Hello and welcome to the very first episode of the Nexuiz in-depth video tutorial. My name is Marius Shekow aka GreEn`mArine and I will be the host of this series of podcasts, which will consist of guides and tutorials that explain features of the game that are either hidden (→ not in menu but in console), or not very obvious or easy to understand.

My goal is to create rather short tutorials, e.g. less than 5 minutes, that demonstrate individual aspects or features of the game. The target audience is basically ANYONE, it is actually meant for the everyday player who is interested to collect some knowledge of Nexuiz and who don't just want to play only on FreeForAll servers, staying on the same level all the time. I'm gonna try to keep things simple for you. For the more advanced topics I'm gonna try to explain first things first, so watching the tutorials on this site in order is recommended. The difficulty will be very easy at the beginning and might increase in the future. At the beginning of each episode there will be a list of the topics I will be dealing with so that the experienced users can quickly judge whether or not they want to watch it. At the end I'm trying to give an outlook on the next episode of this series. Talking about which, I am not yet sure how many podcasts I'm gonna produce and in which intervals they will be posted. It will depend on my free time. Once I have the time I will publish a short list of planned episodes on a wiki. Please comment what you think about my podcasts here on YouTube. You can also suggest topics you'd like to have covered in future episodes.

If you have time to contribute with episodes and know how to create podcast with a similar or better quality than this one, feel free to contact me so that we can figure out the content of the episode. In order to keep you excited, here's an overview of thing's I'd like to deal with:

  • We will have a look at a few of the new Nexuiz 2.5 features, such as the favourites in the server browser, per-weapon crosshairs and manipulating the HUD (especially font sizes and positioning of elements)
  • having a look at how to integrate your own truetype fonts into nexuiz to give it an individual look
  • explanation of the configuration of the scoreboard colums
  • explain the scoring methods in Nexuiz
  • have a look at a lot of handy and undocumented commands for the every-day work of an nexuiz server administrator
  • we'll investigate the possibilities of the voting and remote control features
  • demonstration of not so well-known game modes such as the Onslaught
  • many more things

I think that's enough for today. In the next issue I am going to cover the basic console usage together with the auto-completion. This was GreEn`mArine for the AT dev team, have a good time and cu next week!

tech/indepth/episode1.txt · Last modified: 2009/05/10 01:02 by green_marine
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