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Mr. Bougo's contact page

You can always contact me on
Please tell me if I can copy the discussion we have on my mail on the wiki. This can be helpful for others.

Feel free to message me here too, I'll be watching this page closely :)

Contact archives


Mr. Bougo, 2008/12/29 13:46

Big cleanup :D

Check out the Contact archives page for old questions :)

Medjay Penguin, 2009/04/26 20:38

Mr.Bougo, is there any complete list or tutorial for scripting?

Mr. Bougo, 2009/04/26 21:03

Not really, it's a bit too complicated for me to write a guide. You should contact me on IRC so I can help you on specific topics, I believe that's the best way to learn :)

Essiance[NFC] "Dennis", 2009/11/17 16:51

I saw, you crossbaned some people from nexuiz, me, example given.

I understand that you've kicked Against alias “Niggan00b” because of his Nazi-Things? But why did youn kicked me and Agrypnos(prophets) from all servers? We tried to KICK Against!!!!



user/mrbougo/contact.txt · Last modified: 2008/12/29 13:32 by mrbougo
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