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Contact archives

To keep my discussion box as clean as possible, here is a list of things that have been answered:

How did you make this page?

Type in the search box user:yourname:contact, then click the “create page” button.

Click “edit this page” on this page, and copy the content into your new page (change the Mr. Bougo of course, and other things that don't belong to your contact page).
And there you are!

Then you can create other pages starting with “user:yourname:”, the main page is user:yourname:start. You can link to the start page like that:


You can link to your contact page from your start page using [[contact]] if you named it user:yourname:contact

How do you get the "kolorz" example working?

A console session. The second example uses blubscript.
The example is in BlubScript. You need the BlubScript cfgs for that. See the Advanced Console Scripting page for more details (BlubScript)

Is it possible to create a ctf script that triggers commands automatically?

Nope. Commands are only triggered by the user, not by game events.

user/mrbougo/contactarchive.txt · Last modified: 2008/12/29 13:45 by mrbougo
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