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Mr. Bougo

Oh hai people, this is my user page, funny heh?
I'm a rather active player in the community, always ready to help the others. I mostly play CTF, on Over The Lazy Dog, where I also have access to the master commands. More details on my player page.


I had/have a few projects for Nexuiz: some serious stuff (this wiki), but mostly silly things.
I'll try to keep this section up to date with my work.

Linux stuff

  • compile: a Bash script to compile and pack a SVN Nexuiz install.
  • NexBash: a system that allows communication between Nexuiz and Bash.
  • restarter: a sucky script to automatically restart your funserver when it crashes or freezes.

Nexuiz scripting

I don't really have interesting scripts to share at the moment :p


  • Nexball: the resurrected nexball mod!
  • The PB Mod: the PB mod, to put the uiz back into Nexuiz!
  • teach: the teaching mod!


user/mrbougo/start.txt · Last modified: 2009/01/17 12:27 by mrbougo
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